Thursday, December 27, 2007

New Computer!!

Guess what I got from hubby for Christmas? Yep, a brand new computer!! So far I love it. I had a little problem with getting connected since it has Vista on it but it is solved now for the most part. I am currently as I type trying to transfer the Ipod from the old computer to the new one. I have been working on it all morning and am just now finally starting to get somewhere with it. The scary part was that I had to delete all the files from the ipod while on the old computer and then transfer that file back to the ipod. Currently there are 128 minutes left on that tranfer going on with the old computer. Keep your fingers crossed for me that it works, otherwise I will have to download each every cd that I own onto this new computer and that will take even longer.

I in turn got the hubby a new computer as well, but it came with Windows XP (I had the option of Vista or windows XP when I bought it from Dell). His is working just fine. I am not too sure about this Vista though, but am going to keep pluggin along until I get it. He was shocked that I got him a computer. In his line of work he does not have much of a need for one so does not get online alot, but he said a few months back that he thought it would be fun to have his own computer to surf the internet when he wants to. Now he can.

All in all we all had a fabulous Christmas here. The rag quilts were a big hit with everyone. I got the last one done on Christmas eve, WHEW, I cut that one close. I am now back to my knitting again, and what a relive that is. Knitting is so much more relaxing to me then having a deadline to finish a project. I do that to myself every holiday season it seems. It was fun, and I am glad it over now.

I am on vacation this week, and am so glad. I plan on doing the usual housework around here and maybe clean out my closet. I have not done that in several years and it is a huge mess. I looked at those closet organizers in the ads, but my closet is not that big. It is a walk in closet but very small. You can walk in and take one step at the moment before tripping over something. In fact I should be doing that right now, but have been messing around with the new computer all morning. Which is way more fun then organizing a closet.

I will now leave you with some pictures of all the rag quilts done.

And here is one of hubby and I that I liked. This was taken a few months back at the American Royal barbeque in October.

For now, keep on knitting. I hope everyone had a fabulous holiday!

Friday, December 21, 2007

Christmas Vacation

Is finally here!! I am so happy, I am taking all of next week off from work. I am ready for Christmas to be here, but am not ready for it. This weekend I will wrapping all the gifts and finishing up the rag quilts. I got two more sewn up last weekend, and now have to cut all the edges.
I stocked up on movies to watch all week so I am set to get cozy in the house. We have a snow storm coming tomorrow. Here in KC we have been getting most of the winter storms on the weekends, which is a good thing. Just need to go to the grocery store to get Christmas dinner and we are set.
I did not get to the 7th rag quilt (for the youngest daughter boyfriend), but may do it over the vacation break. I am not going to push myself on that one, it can wait.
My son did his physical for the Marines last weekend, and passed everything but the eye test. He can go back and retry with his glasses, but is now having second thoughts about the whole thing. He has a stigmatism (SP?) in one eye but never wants to wear his eyeglasses. I think this was a big eye opener (no pun intended) for him. I am just glad that that worry is over the moment.
I went shopping last weekend with all the kids and the girls tried to freak me out. We were at the local Walmart, and we all separated and went our own ways, then met back up when it was time to check out. The girls threw stuff into the shopping cart since I was the only one with a cart. At the checkout counter I am taking things out and putting on the conveyor belt and picked up a EPT test out of the cart!!! My heart skipped a beat and I looked at my married daughter and asked her if she was trying to tell me something. She smiled and said no it was not here, but that Valerie (the 18 yr old and still in high school) had put it in the cart. When I looked at Valerie, she bursts out laughing at me!!! She said it was a joke and there was nothing to worry about. They are so funny!!

Anyways, everyone have a Merry Christmas and keep on knitting..

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

It is now officially 12 days til Christmas! ACK!!

I have barely started my shopping, and am only half way thru making my rag quilts. Three are done completely. The fourth one is all sewn up and ready for me to begin cutting all the edges now. Oh, and I bought more material in order to make two more. Now I have a total of 7 to make. One for each child plus son in law for a total of 4, one for mom, one for Christmas party Chinesse Christmas exchange, and one for daughter's boyfriend equals 7!! Why do I do this to myself??? Not sure about that last for the boyfriend, but we all really like him, so I will try to get it done for him. He has been really impressed with these quilts as I show them off. Yes all the kids have seen them, I just can't wait to see their reactions. I will still wrap them and give them to them on Christmas though. Am I mentally ill or what??

Work is still crazy busy, I am also working overtime in the evenings so it does not leave much time for crafting. I try to do as much of my crafts on the weekends. We were pretty much stuck inside all of last weekend, and I should have done more crafting but didn't. We did manage to get the tree up and decorated and then became couch potatoes and watched movies most of the weekend. I had a lousy week at work last week and really couldn't muster the creativity to work on the crafts. Sometimes we all just need mental days off from everything.

It doesn't feel like the holidays to me this year. My son informed us this week that he is thinking of enlisting with the Marines. I am proud of him for thinking this way, but so worried as well since we are in a war. I think I am in shock from the news. He met with the recruiter today and it all went well. My son lamenated about all the good things the military would do for him, but then he said in the middle of the phone conversation " I love you Mom". That was really weird coming from my 20 year old son since I am the one to tell him that first and usually not that often now that he is grown. I asked him what brought that on and he just said he is now really afraid of dying if he does this. I think the seriousness of all this has got him thinking, which is good. I want him to be serious about this decision and make the right choice for him, whatever that may be. We will support him if he does enlist and say our prayers everyday to keep him safe. It is so damn hard to let our children grow up!!!

That is it for now, keep on knitting ( I am still working on the log cabin blanket) and crafting whatever makes you happy....

Friday, November 30, 2007

I am still here...

It has just been crazy busy at work and I have been working some overtime in the evenings at home as well.

I did get two rag quilts done over the Thanksgiving holiday. Remember I said I had 5 to make for Christmas? I will begin work on the third this evening. Last weekend, I started the first one on a Friday evening and had the second one done by Sunday evening. These are going so quickly that I may even make one for my mom. I am stumped on what to get her for Christmas and this would be a great item for her as well. She appreciates the hand made items I make for her and that is a really good feeling. Here is Mom with her new dentures that she got a few weeks ago. She even brought over her own blender on Thanksgiving so that she could eat with us.

Below are the fabrics I had on hand for three quilts. Last Friday I was able to score some more flannel at Hancocks at 99 cents a yard!!! I will now be able to make two quilts for the boys in the family at less than 10 dollars a piece, and alot of labor involved.
Okay, this shot is not so good, it was early in the morning in the art studio and my hand shook. It is the second quilt done last weekend.
Here is the other one. Flannel comes in lots of children's designs and all my kiddos are over 18 now, so I go more for the colors when picking the fabrics out. Hubby said this one looked like candy, I agree.
Here they are stacked up. Sure hope those kids of mine like them.

Of course I am still knitting. Working on the log cabin blanket as time permits, it is just not my main focus at the moment. I am really enjoying my renewed passion for quilting. I have my knitting bag by the couch in the living room and pick it up when watching TV. I am currently working on trying to knit and actually watch TV at the same time, but fear that I will drop a stitch. You would think that with the log cabin I could do this in a snap since it is all knit stiches, but old habits are hard to change for me.

For now keep on knitting, quilting, or crafting whatever it is you enjoy!!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Today is a Federal Holiday

Happy Veteran's Day to all our vets out there! Thank you for serving our country and protecting us all.
I had the day off, which was very nice indeed. Hubby took a vacation day as well and we got the Christmas lights put up on the house. We usually do this the weekend before Thanksgiving since we always have the family over for dinner at our house. I like to have a little lighting ceremony in the evening before everyone goes home. Kansas City is know for having a huge lighting ceremony at the Plaza downtown. I have been a few times but it is really crowded and hard to find parking. We would rather stay home and watch it on the TV and have own lights to go ooh and ahh at.
This year we put up all blue lights, we hope it turns out nice. Last year we ditched the icicle lights and bought what we thought were purple lights. Turned out they looked more pink than purple, looked like we were living in a barbie doll house, YUCK!
I will of course post pics later. I am on my own computer and it is old, so I have to wait to use Valerie's later.

Well that is it for now, keep on knitting. I have started a new stocking and am still working on the log cabin and of course the quilts. I have to get busy with those quilts if I am going to make 5 more by Christmas ( 4 kids and 1 to give away at the Chinese Christmas exchange at the sister in laws).

Monday, October 15, 2007

It was her birthday!!

This is my little sister on her birthday this past weekend. We all went on a adults only camping and ATV riding weekend in the Mark Twain National Forest. We got to celebrate her birthday while there. Check her out, here she is opening her present from me.

Here she is with it opened realizing what it is. If you guessed a rag quilt you are correct!!

And last but not least the shot of her walking thru the woods with it wrapped around her.
I am telling you all these things are so quick and easy to make. This is my second rag quilt and I had it done in approximately 6-7 hours tops!! I even found some spring loaded scissors the week before at Joann's that were 50% off and so much easier to cut these little rags then a regular pair of scissors. I was able to get it all cut while watching Grey's last week and enjoy a glass of wine, then off to the washing machine it went. I did have a little trouble with the washer though, it was a uneven load and kept coming out soaking wet. I finally threw in some towels with it and it was all good. I think she liked it, what do you think?

I am still knitting though, I took the log cabin blanket with me on the car ride to the campground, which was almost 200 miles south, and got another round of color put on it. It is getting bigger with each round of color and it has been fun to experiment with all the colors. I also snuck on over to Branson (it was only 30 miles away) and went to the fabric store down there to buy more flannel. The prices were not to my liking, but I did get some in order to start another quilt. I asked the lady cutting my fabric if there was a good yarn store in the area and she said no. Then the shop owner spoke up and said "that's it, we are going to start selling yarn in this place. Everyday someone asks that same question and I am just going to have to take the plunge and start selling it".

For now, keep on knitting..

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Can you knit at work??

Today was our weekly yarnoholic meeting here at work. Some of us gals get together and knit or crochet on Tuesday's during our lunch hour in my office. I have been wandering lately how many of us knitters out there are allowed to knit at work?? I know that there are some that are allowed to do this in their down time and some of us that this would be totally unacceptable to their bosses. The boss thinks that if you are all caught up with your work then you should go and find something else to do. WE all know that there is always something else to do in our jobs usually.

I myself work for the county government and I have a boss that would look down on me if she saw me knitting at my desk even though all my work is caught up. Of course I can surf the internet when I am caught up and no one really says a word about that, but damn if I was to be knitting at my desk. Does not make a lick a sense to me, but I am a knitter and would love to be able to knit at my desk when my other work is done instead of cruising the internet and making it look like I am working.

Leave me a comment and let me know, can you or can you not knit at work?

Here is a picture of what I have gotten done on the log cabin blanket. I am using Lion Brand's Vanna White collection and since it is 100% acrylic I am not so sure I like the feel of it. I can be a yarn snob most times and prefer natural fibers.

For now, keep on knitting...

Monday, October 08, 2007

I have started the log cabin blanket

I was able to get alot of knitting done this past weekend (YEA!!). I actually started this project last week and was able to knit while Grey's was on Thursday night then worked on it some more during the football game yesterday. I should have taken some pictures to post on here but it got too late last night.

I was just thinking about how many UFO's have around the house. Let's list them here:

A sweater being knit in the round from the Fabulous Elizabeth Zimmerman. I started this in September 06 and am too the point to begin the colorwork around the yoke. It got put to the side there for a while last winter and I could not bear to pick up wool this past summer.

Monkey socks in the second colorway sent to me this year from the socks that rock. I seem to be really slow at knitting socks, but so enjoy doing them. I have read where others have this sock pattern memorized, but not me.

The log cabin blanket a mentioned above.

Another rag quilt to be donated to charity at work and sold in a raffle ticket sale. This project is very addicting because it goes so fast. I like instant gratification.

Wow, that is all I can think of at the moment. It seemed like so many more when I walk into my art studio which is such a mess, but a fun mess no less.

I am also wanting to make another rag quilt for a Christmas gift for the gift exchange we will be doing at my sister in law's. I am seeing myself making several of these for gifts to be honest. Knitting a blanket takes so much longer and the cost is about same for materials. The saleslady at the fabric store said that these rag quilts seem to be the item to make since they have been selling alot of flannel fabric for them. I really need to find a place that has a better selection and a BIG sale as well. Don't worry though, I will still be knitting. I like to knit in the living room with the family around, but the sewing I have to do upstairs in the art studio (a child's bedroom that has since moved out) and it can be lonely up there.

Well for now, keep on knitting, or quiliting, or whatever strikes your fancy.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

No title today, because I am not creative enough...

But I do have pictures to share. First up, a crochet doll my co-worker/girlfriend made for me a few weeks ago. I think she made it in the image of myself, so I am calling her Jodi (childhood name).
Second up is a picture of our finished roof on the upper deck and a rag quilt that I made this weekend (so fast to make!).
And last but not least is my tandem bike. Hubby and I rode 10 miles on it last night around the Longview Lake bike trails in our neighborhood. Ten miles!! We outdid ourselves for sure.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Hey It is Finally Friday!!

I finished my first week back from a working vacation at home. We took last week off to build a roof over our deck. I would love to post pictures of same, but my camera battery is dead at the moment. We have a lower and a upper deck off the back of our house that hubby and I have built ourselves over the years. We also have a huge pin oak tree in the middle of our backyard that is very lovely in the summer with all the shade that it provides. Unfortunately it also spits out unwanted debris all the other seasons of the year. Most bothersome of all are the acorns, which are all over the decks and get stuck in the cracks of the deck boards, which in turn make it unbearable to go outside and relax on the deck in barefeet. We build the roof over just the top deck, the one that comes off of our bedroom and has the hot tub on it. We really wanted the roof so that in the winter and fall when it rains and snows we can still go out at night and enjoy our hot tub without having to clean up a path first. I should say though that my hubby of course did most of the work on this roof since I am not very helpful on ladders at all. He is the best hubby to have, a real Mr. Fixit, and he loves doing that type of stuff. I am very happy that he chose me as his partner in marriage.

As it turns out though, I did not get much knitting done while all that was happening on the home front. Sirena closed on her house that first weekend we were off and we helped her move into her house (which I forgot to take pictures of even though the damn camera was in my purse). She loved the dishcloths and was very appreciative to get same from her mom. It is always nice that someone likes what you have knitted for them.

Now I want to make a log cabin blanket, but am fearful of spending all that money on the yarn for same. The one in the book Mason Dixon knitting that I have (the same the dishcloths are from) calls for over 32 colors to use!! I need to find some cheap natural yarn to use for that. I will most likely get it from Knit Pics, I have been very satisfied with my few purchases from them thus far.

Oh, and I had a birthday last week, the big 40!! It was really nice actually, nothing that I dreaded at all. Most of our friends are already in their 40"s and I am always the baby/youngest in our group. So it was delightful to turn 40 for me. Hubby bought me a tandem bike, totally retro also. I love that bike! It was a little shaky the first time we rode it and turned our first corner (you have to turn wide), but otherwise I am really enjoying this bike. I like that we have to both ride it together. Hubby works lots of long hours, so I am usually at home alot in the evenings by myself. The two kids that are still left at home, work evenings or out hanging with their friends. We take every chance we can now to ride that thing around the neighborhood and I feel so cool and hip when are doing it (is that dorky or what?).

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Dishcloths are done

Here they are in all their glory... I hope Sirena likes them for

her new house. She closes this coming Friday.

I only made six, but was hoping to do seven, but I am weary of this pattern, for awhile at least. I want to get back to my rockin sock club socks now.

For now keep on knitting..

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Changed my name of my blog

div>To auntweens because all my goofy nephews call me that and I think it is better than having real name on here. So here's them..


Some FO's

Here is the ripple blanket in all its glory. I finished it last night.

Here are some finished ball band dishcloths for Sirena when she moves to her new house.

Now, it is off to the yarn store for more yarn.
For now, keep on knitting..

Monday, August 20, 2007

Must now get busy and make some ballband dishcloths..

Good news today. I just heard from my oldest daughter that she is buying a house!! I knew that she was looking, and even went with her over the weekend to look at several possiblities. She then made a offer on one on Sunday, and just heard today that her offer was accepted. I am so very proud of her. Oh, did I mention that she is only 22! WOW! She has done so much more than I did at that age. Myself at that age, I had three little babies and was going thur a divorce. That was a long time ago and I just so proud of her today.

It is now time to start making her some dishcloths. I want to be able to give her a housewarming gift and make a bunch of these for her. I had already started one for her a few weeks back, then when I heard the news that the house was a definite realized that I needed to get busy. I started another one for her yesterday evening (after I worked another color on the ripple blanket of course). I am doing them in browns, pinks, and creams. I hope to be able to make a few dish towels to go with, but she is closing at the end of next month, so who knows what I will be able to get done.

For now keep on knitting...

Monday, August 13, 2007

Is Fall here yet?

Wow, what a crazy and hot summer it has been around here. I have not been posting as much because frankly I have not been knitting as much either. I did pickup the ripple blanket last night and worked on it. I think if I stick to it this month I might have it done by Labor Day. That is my goal. I want to be able to say that I started this project on Memorial Day and ended it on Labor Day, the whole unofficial time of summer. I think it is doable. I have 11 colors left to knit onto it and if I am diligent I can complete a color a nite. Of course that means knitting each night for 2-3 hours, but I am good with that.
This summer I have also taught two new people to knit. My son's girlfriend who already said she knew how to knit and she did, but I got to teach her the purl stitch to go along with her knit stitch that she knew. She is working now on one of those dishcloths from Mason Dixon. The second person is my daughter's boyfriend. Yes, I said BOYfriend. He seems to have taken to it really well (except for the ribbing that the guys in the family give him). He is well on his to finishing his dishcloth as well. I am really proud of that one, to be able to say that I got a man to knit and he likes it.
I will have to get some photos posted here on my next post. It has been too dang hot around here to do anything. I am just wiped out after work when I get home and really do not have energy to do anything. I do think that fall is just around the corner though (no matter what the calendar says). We have leaves falling now and acorns from the pin oak tree in our backyard as well. Can not wait for the cooler weather and the desire to return to knit with wool again. I have a sweater I started last winter from Elizabeth Zimmerman designs that I want to get done. It is already almost done, I am at the part where I begin the yoke and add all the colors. The fun part as she says in her books and it really is.

For now though, keep on knitting!!!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

I have been too busy to blog...but here are some pictures for your enjoyment...

This is from last camping trip to the lake at Stockton lake here in Missouri on the 4th of July. It was just us two couples with no kids, so we had to bring a fake couple here to play with. Meet Harry and Sally. They were a big hit on the lake at the party cove.
This picture is what happens to you when you drink all day and hang out in the cove in the sun.... This is our friend Todd and he was a big hit as well.
Here is a picture of sundown on the lake, not bad for a digital camera.

Here is Todd and Denise on their boat trying to get to the party cove first for the day.

And here we are at the party cove doing what we did all weekend.

Denise and Todd, cute couple.

And no, I did not get much knitting done on this camp trip, just what I did in the car ride down to the lake. But I did get enough done that I finished a pair of rocking sock club socks. The first pattern for the year. Only took me 3 months to get them done, ha! ha!
For now keep on knitting....

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Some progress made on ripple blanket

This blanket has been so much fun to work on each evening. But I think my progress has been slow. I don't care though, as long as I get done by fall so that I can snuggle under it when the weather turns cold. I am not to sure about that black in there though, but it is there for good now. Besides, it is just a blanket right, nothing tofreak out on. I ordered the yarn from Knit Picks, in the cotton shine worsted. They had 16 colors and I got 2 of each color. It is only 75 yards a skein and at 2.49 a skein, I felt that was a good deal. This is only going to get me to the blanket being 48inches long and I want it to be in 60 inch range. So I will have to order more. The cotton is really soft, not stiff at all.

Now, some pictures of what we did last weekend. This is Valerie, our youngest with her boyfriend Jeremy. It was his first time tubing!! He did great. I am sure that we will make him a professional tuber by the end of summer.

For now keep on knitting..

Friday, June 15, 2007

Freaky Friday

Nah, not really. Just here at work and decided to check out some blogs. I am still plugging away on the fun fun fun ripple blanket. I think I will have to order some more yarn though in order to make it long enough. It is just fun to keep chaning colors on it. Not sure if all the colors are really working together though. But I am the type of knitter that does not FREAK out when I make a little mistake. I am just letting the blanket become what it wants to become. I think it will all work out though. It is just a blanket you know.

Well, that is it, for now keep on knitting!

Saturday, June 09, 2007

We have pictures!!

First up some flowers that are blooming in my garden!

This is the ripple knitted blanket I am currently more obessed about.

This is the firstn pair of socks that rock for this year that I am slowly working on. It was my first time doing cables!!

That is it for now, we are off to the lake to go do to this...

For now keep on knitting!

Friday, June 08, 2007

Project to help out Greensburg Kansas

I just read about this project that this blogger has going for Greensburg Kansas, the town that was literally blown off the map about a month ago in Kansas by a tornado.
I just want to spread the word, take a look and send squares if you want to help.

Okay, here is the link, go check it out, now.

I have sent the word to all the knitters and crocheters that I know here in my office and we are all jazzed about helping out as well. Who doesn't have bits and pieces of yarn and a little bit of time to make a square?

For now keep on knitting!

Monday, June 04, 2007

You are a White Wine Woman

You Are a White Wine Woman
Breezy and casual, you know how to have fun when you're drinking.And even though you can kick back with a few drinks, you never let things get out of hand.Alcohol is not a social lubricant for you... it just enhances your already sparkling personality.You prefer to date a man who is optimistic, friendly, and funny.
What Kind of Drinking Woman Are You?

Thursday, May 31, 2007

New project

For some months now I have been wanting to make a blanket of many colors. At first I was all gaga over a giant granny square blanket featured in the Lion brand catologue. But it was crochet and their yarn was a little pricey for my budget, AND I really do not like their yarn anyways. Now, to be fair, it is the yarn that I used in the beginning of my learning to knit phase. I was new to this knitting thing and did not know about all the different types of yarn out there.

In the beginning I even knit a blanket using the Lion Brand Homespun and their chenille yarn held together and knit on Giant needles. Those two blankets are pretty much trash now. That chenille yarn wormed like hell and the blanket looks like crap. I think it is still on the top shelf of my linen closet waiting for hell to freeze over before someone discovers it. For some reason I can not bear to throw it out. Maybe when one of the kids move out it can be used as a moving blanket, like those big heavy quited ones that regular moving companies use?? Then it can stay at the kid that moved out house?

Anyways, recently, while cruising the blogs, I can across this blog and fell in love again. So I ordered some yarn from knit picks and I even ordered a crochet book. While I was waiting for the supplies to come in the mail, I tried my hand at home with the crochet. I actually used to crochet a little when I was really young so I knew a little about this craft. I tried to crochet a granny square....It did not go well....I tried again....same results. Since I am such a smart girlie, I put that crochet hook away and picked up my knitting needles.

I then began to look thru all my patterns that I have accumulated over the years to see what I could come up with in knitting that was similiar. I found one!! Guess what though? It is a lion brand pattern made with homespun!!! YUCK!! I hate that stuff! (had a nice little stash of it too that I gave to my daughter so she could knit a blanket with it). The pattern is super easy and so similiar to the crochet ripple pattern. So early this week I started my blanket. I am into my sixth color change (had to stay home yesterday from work with a back that went out JOY! JOY!) and I am really happy with the results so far. I would post pics but it has been really cloudy and rainy here in KC and I did not want to get up off the couch with my bad back and all. You all understand.

For now, keep on knitting!

Monday, May 28, 2007

Some pictures..

Above is a picture of a recent baby sweater I gave away to a coworker. She said she was hoping that I would knit something for her baby when I gave it to her. It only took me a week to knit, super easy.

Below is a picture of me.

For now keep on knitting..

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Long time no post

I know, I know, I have not posted in a long time... and I have not posted any pictures either. Truth be told, I am on the computer mostly at work, and I am there to work, and am not supposed to be posting on my personal blog while at work. So due to those facts, when I get home at night, I usually do not get on the computer at home and update.
I actually tried to post a entry last Saturday. I was waiting on my oldest daughter to come pick me up for some shopping and got out my yougest daughter's lap top (my lap top is really really old and really really slow). I was even in the middle of loading some current pictures of my lastest works when Sirena pulled up to pick me up so off I had to go.
This weekend her and her husband are going camping with us at Stockton lake. We are taking the boat out for the first time this year (hurray!). The forecast says there are several chances all weekend though for thunderstorms and the temperature is not exactly going to be hanging out in your swimsuit weather either. At least is getting out of the city and for that I am thankful. We both plan on taking our knitting in case we are stuck under a canopy with nothing to do but drink beer. Better to keep the hands busy than drinking too much beer, right?

For now keep on knitting though and hopefully soon I will post some pictures for your viewing pleasure.

Friday, April 06, 2007

I thought it was supposed to be spring??

Well, well, well, it seems that old man winter has returned to most of the USA and will be here for most of the weekend. Just what we all wanted, right? Really, think about it, us knitters get to stay inside and finish up some of winter knitting projects, or begin new projects. What could be more exciting?
The recent cold snap, does not bother me at all. I would not say that I am thrilled about it, but I do like to look at life positively, so for me it just means for reason to stay inside this weekend and knit.
Sorry, but I do not have any pictures to post (at work blogging on my break), but I have been doing some knitting. Almost done with the second baby suprise sweater, have about 6 more rows to go and need to get buttons for it and the first one. Both of those babies have been born, but just very recently, so I am not going to beat myself up about not having it completed and wrapped to give to the mom's. I have one more to work on, and that baby is due next month, but the shower here at work is next week. It would be nice to be able to give to the mom on that day, but it may not happen.
I worked on a wine cozy from the online knitty magazine, turned out fabulous. Knitted it with some chunky Noro I got from the LYS last weekend. I got to take my daughter to the local Plaza yarn store, The Studio, and she loved it of course. I went with earlier in the day to the Nelson Atkins museum and came away very inspired. I had never been, is that not sad?? I have lived in KC for over 20 years and never went. I am so going back now.
Well that is it for now, enjoy the cold weather and knit something this weekend!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Comments in Blog Land

I am back, was not blogging for a while or knitting really. Guess I lost my mojo for a while. But it is coming back now. Maybe it was the whole end of winter thing going on, and on, and on.
I have been reading lots of blogs though (and not commenting, shame on me) and came across a interesting conversation going on over here about the whole commenting on blogs. I have to agree that I think it is sad when you come across a blog that no one is leaving comments on. Mostly because my own blog is that way. It really does not bother me that no one leaves me comments, but when I do get a comment it is the best thing that has happened to me that day. It makes me feel that whatever I am blogging about someone is reading/listening to what I am saying. I am not a invisible blogger out here. I do know that I have friends at work that do read my blog on occasion, and they hardly ever leave a comment, but they do comment to me in person about whatever I wrote about on my blog. Sometimes I will secretly think to myself when they comment to me in person about why did they not just put that in the comment section to me. But I do not take it personally that they do this, or that no one leaves me comments, because as I said earlier in this entry, I myself am not a great commentor as well.

I do agree with January One about the whole blogging thing being a relationship and that a relationship takes care in building it and nurturing it. I think one of the reasons that I am not a commentor is that I do not think my writing style is up to par when compared to alot of the others blogs that I read. I do not currently aspire to be a writer (used to think that I should write a novel about my weird circle of friends), and I do not take care in my writing to make sure that I am using the English language properly. I just write when I want to and what I feel at the time. I blog because I like to post pictures and talk about my knitting projects. I like feeling that I am part of this whole knitting community that is out there in Internet land. I know that I can reach out to any one of these bloggers and feel confident that they will reach out back to me. I guess I have not done that because I have not been very good at nurturing my own real life friendship lately. Maybe it is because I am getting older, selfish, tired, or whatever. It does take effort though and sometimes I just want to read other blogs and knit and be inspired by their blogs. I should make more of a effort though when I am inspired by these artist though, because I do know that feeling when you get a comment on your own blog. It is spring, which for me always means new beginnings, so here is to blog land and making comments (lifts coffee cup in toast!).

For now, keep on knitting.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

NO STR yet

Got home last night and no package from the Rocking Sock Club but here it is (hopefully), or at least on its way to me. We did get the TV light bulb yesterday, so that was a big comfort to be lazy last nite and watch reruns of the Sopranos on A&E. I promptly fell asleep before the end of the first show.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Ho Hum

I have been doing some knitting, but I think I have fallen into a slump. I have been doing a lot of reading on other blogs and it seems that others are feeling the winter blues as well and are just as uninspired as I am the moment. I am sooooo ready for spring to show itself, and it may have today. On the way to work this morning, hubbie pointed out a robin to me. This is, according to him, the first sign that spring is here FINALLY!!!

It has actually turned out to be quite warm today in KC, which always makes me feel better if I can get some sun on myself. This past weekend we went to the local big box do it yourself chain store and I bought some Elephant Ear bulbs. I started not to, since I can not plant them just yet, but hubbie reminded me that I better get them now or they would be out of them when I could plant the darn things. They had some extra big bulbs this year, so I grabbed two, and then a package of smaller ones. These seem to be about the only thing I can grow in our yard. A green thumb I am not. Every spring though I think I can be and end up buying lots of stuff to plant that sometimes makes it and sometimes does not. I don't care though, it is really the getting outside and playing in the dirt that I like best, and if something good comes of it all the better. If not, then there is always next year, right?

I was reading some blogs last night about raising sheep. Somehow I have gotten it into my head that this would be a great way to spend my life - out in the country, raising sheep. Nevermind, that I know nothing about being a sheep herder. There are books right? And the internet to glean information from. Who knows, for now it is just a dream that I could not possible afford to start.

I am also a bit bummed that I did not get my socks that rock kit yet. Lots of others have though and have been bragging about it all over the internet. UGH!! Maybe the package will be there tonight when I get home. It would also be nice if the package for the replacement lamp bulb for our TV is there as well. It decided to go out weekend before last in the middle of a Saturday afternoon while I was on the couch beginning to knit. That is probably when my knitting slump hit come to think of it. Oh sure, I can go in the bedroom to watch tv and knit in bed, but I usually end up scrunched all the way down on the bed and fall fast asleep before I even pick up the needles. Much better to stay sitting up on the couch and listening to the TV instead.
I am still working on one of the baby surprise sweaters and I have a pair of socks that I started, but I think I am not getting guage on those socks. Need smaller needles and I have refused to go buy anymore at the moment. Was hoping those STR sock yarn would have been here by now.
Well no pics this week, and tomorrow is the weekly yarnoholic meeting at work during lunch so we will see what happens then.

For now keep on knitting, or get some sunshine and chase away those winter blues so you can pick up the needles again and be inspired.

Friday, February 16, 2007

A few more finished objects....

Here is one of the pair of socks I am currently knitting for daughter Sirena. Finished it this morning while in the doctor's office with her. Knitting in public, GASP!! I am always a little uncomfortable KIP, but I actually finished the toe and grated while waiting. She was having a MRI done today, hopefully it is nothing serious, but she having some major headaches that are lasting for days. I wanted to go with her for moral support. Her husband could not go, had to work, and I was able to take the day off. I do not know about you, but when I had one done, it was fairly traumatic for me. That whole feeling like I am in a coffin feeling is really gruesome. She came out alright though and then we got to go and have a leisurely breakfast.

Here is the hat that I knit for hubby for Valentine's day. He likes it, but it came out too small. I even ripped it out when I first started and thought that going up just one needle size would be enough, but it was not. So, I will have to knit him up a new one. I got it from the we call them pirates pattern website over at
helloyarn. Go check it out. I modified it a bit, but like this just as well. I was running out of time and space.
It really did not take that long, but I just waited too long to get started on it. I am always unsure if I should get my sweetie something for Valentines day or not. Last year when I mentioned it to him that I felt this way, he said that it should just be the buy doing the giving. Which is a good thing he feels that way because I am sticking to my credit card diet.
It is a holiday weekend for me, we have Monday President's day off. I will be able to get lots of knitting done this weekend, maybe even get that second sock done. I also need to work on some newborn hats for my little friend that is working on her bronze award for girlscouts. She has a blog here that has the patterns on it, take a look and see if you want to lend a hand.
For now keep on knitting...

Saturday, February 10, 2007

A finished object

I finished the first of three baby surpise sweaters that I need to have done for March, April and May. One for each month. The one I finished though is the one for the baby girl that is due in May. Leave it to me to do everything backwards. I wanted to use the alpaca yarn that my sister in law gave me for Christmas though. Now I just need to find the buttons to add.

Here is a pic of the yarn to be used for the second sweater. I am hoping that it is colors that will for both a girl or a boy.

It is Saturday, which means I get to knit all day. We were supposed to have some nasty weather move in, but it has been taken off the radar so to speak. I really should go outside and take down our Christmas lights, but it is terribly cold out and the hubby is working a side job and I would really need his help. I know, why are my lights still up anyways? I feel like one of those stupid houses that I used to make fun of because they had their lights up forever.... I think we have good excuses though. Most of us in the house were sick most of January off and on, and it was extremely January weather here in Kansas City. Most unusual considering we usually get a few weekends in January where it is good enough weather to get out there and take the darn lights down. That did not happen this year.

Sirena might be over to knit, I have not heard from her yet, but it is only late morning, and she is young and likes to sleep in on the weekend. She truly has this knitting bug, yarn obession going on now. I am really happy that we are connecting more as a mother and daughter now. Since she is always so busy with work, college classes at night and being married now, it is really great that she wants to come over and hang out with her mom and knit. I hear that her hubby likes to play the video games alot so now knitting gives something to do in her free time when he is playing those games non stop. I myself have never really seen the fascination with the video games, but apparently alot of young men (and now even some that are near my age) are completely obessed with them.

For now keep on knitting!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Another Tuesday, another chance to knit at work

IF you read this blog at all (and I am not convinced that anyone does because I get hardly any comments) you know that Tuesdays is yarnoholic meeting day at work. YIPPEE!! Tuesdays make it easier to come into the office knowing that I can spend my lunch hour knitting with the girls.
Yesterday, I got my confirmation from Blue Moon that I could place my order for the Socks that Rock. I did not hesitate at all at the price. But hubby was looking over my shoulder at the same time and saw the price and said "WTF"?? I asked him if he thought that was too much and he said Hell yeah! So I stopped, and placed my order at a later time when he was not around. Now I just have to figure out what I will tell him, when the order arrives in the mail. No biggie though, it was my money and I was splurged on myself this time, or for others that may become recipients of the socks that I knit.
My daughter is now getting her friends and co workers to learn to knit. She actually taught a girlfriend of hers and they are both so enthused about the knitting now. Looks like this Saturday I may be leading a knitting class at my home. I told the daughter that I not charge anyone, but if she keeps getting more people interested and wanting to learn I may have to charge them. Could be a great business adventure though and I am really excited about the prospects of this adventure. I have for a long time thought that it would be great to open up my own yarn store, but have shied away from that dream for several reasons.
It would be so nice to make a living from something that we enjoy doing, but then I think it may not be something that you like once it becomes work. Although, I would be so willing to try if I hit the Powerball lottery!!! We can dream, and if we are going to dream might as well dream big, right?
Onto to other knitting news. I went to the LYS this past weekend and picked up some more skeins of Cascade 220 for my sweater. I was still not happy with the color choices that I had so far, and go more colors with the help of my daughter. I will be getting back onto the project soon then. I am also almost done with the Baby Surprise Sweater that I am making for a pregnant co-worker, hope to finish that one today. I then have two more of them to make for friends that are pregnant as well. Oh, and I picked up more sock yarn at the LYS, one for daughter and one for me (then joined the socks that rock, go figure?). Guess I will be up to my ankles in socks this year.
One other thing, one of my knitting co-workers daughter is working for her Bronze award in the girlscouts and has a blog about knitting/crocheting/sewing preemie hats to give away to the local childrens hospital. Please check it out at Project Preemie Hats and if interested.

For now keep on knitting.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

I finished a PAIR of socks!!!

They are done, the socks! I actually finished them a few weeks ago, but did not post. I have a older laptop, and usually use my daughter's newer one to download and post my pics. She is a teenager so it is not always easy to get to use her laptop, especially when her excuse is that I should use my own. But I like hers better.
I am so proud of myself for finishing a PAIR of socks. The second one went alot faster then the first. Mostly because I was so anxious to get it done. Spent the whole weekend working on it. It was so worth it. They did come out a little too big though, but I like wearing them around the house and they are sooo warm!.

That is it for now, keep on knitting!

Saturday, January 13, 2007

A Winter Storm is RAGING here!!

According to the newscasters here, it is supposed to be ugly freezing rain/sleet mix all weekend. Which is fine with me because I can use the weekend to knit!! Above is one finished sock for me from Pippikneesocks, the chop wood carry water yarn. Lovely stuff! It was my first time ordering from her and I am so loving the colors. So much so, that I have not gotten the dreaded second sock syndrome and actually caston for the next sock last night. A miracle for me. I will be ordereing more from her in the future when the budget allows.

Below, is the dishcloth that Sirena got done this last week. She is completely hooked on the knitting now, and I could not be happier. I now have a buddy that can come over to knit with me. Our mother daughter relationship has taken a turn for the better. Not that it was bad or anything, but I now get to see her more often and actually share a hobby with her that I am totally obsessed with. She wants to make a skirt she saw in teh Vogue knitting magazine this last summer. I am impressed that she is willing to tackle some harder more challenging projects so soon.

That is it for now, I need to get back to that second sock. Oh yeah, I have not stopped working on the sweater. I got both sleeves done and attached to the body of the sweater. I am ready to begin the fun part now and start knitting the design in the yoke area. I was just not into having to use my brain and knit with both hands today so instead will try and conquer this second sock today instead.

For now, keep on knitting!!