Thursday, May 31, 2007

New project

For some months now I have been wanting to make a blanket of many colors. At first I was all gaga over a giant granny square blanket featured in the Lion brand catologue. But it was crochet and their yarn was a little pricey for my budget, AND I really do not like their yarn anyways. Now, to be fair, it is the yarn that I used in the beginning of my learning to knit phase. I was new to this knitting thing and did not know about all the different types of yarn out there.

In the beginning I even knit a blanket using the Lion Brand Homespun and their chenille yarn held together and knit on Giant needles. Those two blankets are pretty much trash now. That chenille yarn wormed like hell and the blanket looks like crap. I think it is still on the top shelf of my linen closet waiting for hell to freeze over before someone discovers it. For some reason I can not bear to throw it out. Maybe when one of the kids move out it can be used as a moving blanket, like those big heavy quited ones that regular moving companies use?? Then it can stay at the kid that moved out house?

Anyways, recently, while cruising the blogs, I can across this blog and fell in love again. So I ordered some yarn from knit picks and I even ordered a crochet book. While I was waiting for the supplies to come in the mail, I tried my hand at home with the crochet. I actually used to crochet a little when I was really young so I knew a little about this craft. I tried to crochet a granny square....It did not go well....I tried again....same results. Since I am such a smart girlie, I put that crochet hook away and picked up my knitting needles.

I then began to look thru all my patterns that I have accumulated over the years to see what I could come up with in knitting that was similiar. I found one!! Guess what though? It is a lion brand pattern made with homespun!!! YUCK!! I hate that stuff! (had a nice little stash of it too that I gave to my daughter so she could knit a blanket with it). The pattern is super easy and so similiar to the crochet ripple pattern. So early this week I started my blanket. I am into my sixth color change (had to stay home yesterday from work with a back that went out JOY! JOY!) and I am really happy with the results so far. I would post pics but it has been really cloudy and rainy here in KC and I did not want to get up off the couch with my bad back and all. You all understand.

For now, keep on knitting!

Monday, May 28, 2007

Some pictures..

Above is a picture of a recent baby sweater I gave away to a coworker. She said she was hoping that I would knit something for her baby when I gave it to her. It only took me a week to knit, super easy.

Below is a picture of me.

For now keep on knitting..

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Long time no post

I know, I know, I have not posted in a long time... and I have not posted any pictures either. Truth be told, I am on the computer mostly at work, and I am there to work, and am not supposed to be posting on my personal blog while at work. So due to those facts, when I get home at night, I usually do not get on the computer at home and update.
I actually tried to post a entry last Saturday. I was waiting on my oldest daughter to come pick me up for some shopping and got out my yougest daughter's lap top (my lap top is really really old and really really slow). I was even in the middle of loading some current pictures of my lastest works when Sirena pulled up to pick me up so off I had to go.
This weekend her and her husband are going camping with us at Stockton lake. We are taking the boat out for the first time this year (hurray!). The forecast says there are several chances all weekend though for thunderstorms and the temperature is not exactly going to be hanging out in your swimsuit weather either. At least is getting out of the city and for that I am thankful. We both plan on taking our knitting in case we are stuck under a canopy with nothing to do but drink beer. Better to keep the hands busy than drinking too much beer, right?

For now keep on knitting though and hopefully soon I will post some pictures for your viewing pleasure.