Wednesday, September 17, 2008

So here is the hubby with his FREE riding mower. A neighbor gave it to us because it is 16 years old and would not start anymore. The neighbor went and bought a new one, and the hubby went and spent about a hundred bucks for a new starter. This was his first ride on it in the backyard a few nights ago. It worked Fabulously! Then on his first trip around the around he hit one of the landscape edgings and sliced a hole in the back tire. Bummer! He ended up having to finish mowing with the push mower.
The above sounds alot like how my recently finished fair isle sweater ended this past weekend. And no, I have no pics yet. The biggest error was that it came out about 3 sizes too big for me, ugh! My gauge was good, I just made it too big, I wanted a loose fitting sweater and that is what I got folks. I still have to weave in the ends so when that is done, I will post a picture. For now though I am thinking of giving it to the married daughter whom it would fit and not be too big one, but I know that she does not like to wear wool sweaters. Hmmm, what to do?

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