Well, well, well, the New Years weekend is about to begin! Time to make our list for our New Years resolutions. I will start (now this does not mean that I will be very good at sticking to it), since I do like to make lists, either mentally in my head, or actually on paper.
1. Stop smoking - this one I have never actually attempted, but have been seriously thinking about it for several months now. So I think mentally I am just preparing myself for when I do take that first step in the actual doing part. I just know that I am so weak willed in this area and failure at most things makes me very disappointed in myself.
2. Blog more often - I am not even going to try and say that I will blog so many times a week like some other bloggers that I read, but I do want to make a better attempt at posting more often.
3. Exercise more - I have got to use that stupid gym membership that I pay for every month no matter what!!!
4. Give up pizza - now this one I have actually accomplished for about a month last year, so it is a doable goal.
5. Knit matching sweaters for my family in time for a Christmas picture next year - Since I know how easy and fast knitting a sweater the Elizabeth Zimmerman way is and I only have 6 family members in my immediate family circle, I also think that this is a doable goal. Or is this one too dorky for my family members to go along with??
6. Drink more green tea - I should not even say more, since I have not actually tried the green tea - but I do have some at home and just need to give it a try ( I am sorta of a picky eater/drinker).
7. Pay off more credit cards - I so need to cut up these suckers, but again, I am so weak. I usually do really good for several months when the new year comes, then I get bored or restless and just have to go shopping...got ...to...stay...strong..!!
That is enough of a list for now, I am already overwhelmed..
I am glad that the holidays are about over, now I can get back to some serious knitting. As I stated in earlier posts, I did not stress myself out over the holidays and try to knit something for several people. I had only one person ask why I did not make them anything and that was my mom, so that does not count. I did complete some Mason Dixon dishcloths and gave them away to some co-workers and my daughter Sirena. Sirena so loved them and wants to know why she can not knit some like that. I still have her working on the knit stitch and she has to know the purl stitch before proceeding. Maybe her and I can get together now that the holidays are over so that we can continue with her lessons.
Last nite I picked up my second sweater that I had started back in October. I will post pics when I get home later today, but lets just say that you should never rush into picking up a project that has sat around for a while. All my knitting that I got done last night has to be frogged!!! I was so upset with myself for this waste of time, but alas, I did learn something from it, which I will tell you about later.
For now, Keep on Knitting..!!