Friday, September 29, 2006

Friday 9/29/06

The weekend is here again, Yippee! I have been busy this week. I have finished the baby sweater except for the finishing of the sleeves. I always hate finishing, but this one is so easy, just two seams at the top and then sew the buttons on. Will have to get that done this weekend.

I also finished a felted handbag (will post pics later) and started a new one. It is made out of the Noro wool yarn, which is to dye for! The second one will be offered in a raffle ticket sale at work at the end of October for our annual fundraiser for charity. I am donating the yarn and my time and have high hopes that we will make a good amount of money on it.

I have also volunteered to knit some scarves for the event as well, the only thing we are stuck on is how much to sell them for. So far we have not come to a agreement on what is a good price that we think folks will pay. We want them to sell, but we do not want to sell them too cheaply.

Well, off to more knitting, I will be busy busy for the next month it appears, but that is okay, this is such a enjoyable hobby for me.

For now keep on knitting :-)

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