It is Saturday, the freaking weekend! I would love to say that I can use most of the day to sit and knit, but that is not going to happen today. We are going to my sister-in-law's for a end of the summer barbeque. Should be fun, her boyfriend, who is our bestest man friend ever (mostly because he is car mechanic and keeps hubby's work truck running, saving us lots and lots of moolah), has a huge gigantic smoker!!! I hear there is going to be smoked turkey, brisket and ribs. Should be yummy!
I am still going to take my current WIP, the baby surpise sweater, and might be able to get a few more rows in. Almost done with it, I think I have less than 10 rows to go. I did not get to knit last night, we had my daughter Sirena and her hubby Aaron over and my son Jeffrey and his girlfriend Shyla for dinner. We all made homemade calzones, and they came out delicous! Oh, I did do something knit related last night. My wonderful son-in-law, Aaron, fixed my button link on here for the Knitting Path, so a big shout out to Aaron! THANK YOU! As you know this HTML stuff, if that is even the right computer language, just absoulutely freaks the crap out of me. Before this blog, I would of thought of myself as fairly computer literate, but not anymore. I have a renewed respect those people that can do all that behind the scenes computer mumbo jumbo. So check out the pictures above from our calzone making from last nite. Top pic is Sirena and my hubby, Keith. Second picture shows Shyla and Jeff. Third one shows our own family computer geek AARON!!
For now, keep on knitting!
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