Tuesday is probably my best day that I want to actually come to work. Why you ask? Because it is the day that I have our yarnholic meeting. Some of us gals at work get together on our lunch hour and meet in my office to knit and crochet. Currently there are three active members, Monica, Deana and myself. I am the only knitter.
I started this group in the office a couple of years ago. I offered to teach anyone that wanted to join how to knit. The first meeting was pure chaos! We had 11 or 12 individuals and only two that knew how to knit. Everyone had ordered the lion brand learn to knit kit with the hat and scarf.
Needless to say we did not get a lot accomplished that first day. A few dropped out immediately, I think because of my lack of skills in trying to teach everyone at once how to cast on from the get go. I think now it would be easier to cast on for them myself and then teach them the knit stitch. That way at least gets everyone started on a project alot sooner that fussing over the cast on for the whole hour of the meeting.
Anywho, there are still other knitters in our office, and they show up occasionally to join us. Just talked to one in the elevator this morning and she said she would be joining us again soon. She only likes to knit when it is cold outside. So I hope to see her in the next few weeks in our meeting.
I also brought my camera in today and hope to take some pics of us working our projects to post on here.
Oh yeah, another thing, I am currently trying to figure out how to make changes to my template on this blog. I was accepted into the knitting path blog ring and had to add their button my web page, but it is at the bottom of this page. I am trying to figure out how to get it in the sidebar and add some other links to this page. Guess I will have to sit down one night this week and read thru all the "how to's" on this blogger.com site to figure out. Not as easy as I thought, all that computer language scares me!
For now, keep on knitting!!
P.S. I started on another baby surpise jacket from Elizabeth Zimmerman this weekend, more than half way finished now!!
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