Monday, November 13, 2006

Ugly Sweater

I am going to be brave and post a picture of my ugly sweater!! Nobody can laugh either, it was alot of work! But as I said in the last post, I learned alot from it. So there you have it. I will be taking it to work tomorrow, horrors or all horrors, to show to the other gals in the yarnoholic meeting. It is Tuesday and some of them have been asking to see it. I will put on a brave face and endure.

I have already started another one since this one was so much fun. I am using the Cascade 220 (lovely yarn I must say), got it on sale a few weeks ago at the LYS.
I knitted a swatch of the colors I am going to use also. Glad I did, as the first one was not very well received by the hubby. He was right, I just hate to admit that. But I do know that I am not very color coordinated. Check out the picture below. On the bottom half is the first choices of color, on the top half, I switched the dark green and dark blue around. Made a huge difference in my humble opinion.

Well, that is enough for now. More later.

For now keep on knitting!

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