Friday, May 18, 2012

Pics from Mother's Day

A four generation picture, me, my mom, my daughter and her daughter

Sister In Law and her kids

Sister In Law's sister and her kids

Me and my goofy kids

My mom and her grandkids

All of the kids

My mom and her kids

My brother and his kids

Granpa with his kids

My mom

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Just a few pics from life recently

Tried this at Camp Run A Muck last weekend, next time I will bring the tripod.

 This is not our camper, but friends of ours, and something about this speaks to me for some reason.

 Gbaby #2 turned one,  YAY!

Redesign still on the backburner though.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Redesign, epic fail

Been playing around with the design of the blog, and it is not working like I want it to, please bear with me during this learning phase. 

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Hey there...

Apparently I fell off the blog wagon, WOW!  Not for any particular reason unless we count being cranky with menopause, but that is not what this blog is about.  I am thankful that I want to write again and share my crafting experiences with you all again.

Hmm, let me think back and talk about what I did craft while I was MIA. Of course I have no pictures to share today.  That would have required planning on my part today and that did not happen.  I did finish a few quilts, one for baby Caden, my grandson, and one for my nephew and new neice that were wed back in December 2011 (YAY for them)! 

I have also been knitting still just not as often as I would like.  Still making my birthday hats, but I do confess I fell behind when November hit and now owe about 3 hats to family members.  I did not want to punish myself during the holiday season with trying to get knitting projects done during that hectic season.

I did get a Christmas stocking knit for the grandson, just barely in time though, and that was okay, as long as it was ready for Santa to fill it with goodness, right?

I passed on the knitting bug to a few family members too.  My daughter in law Candace and neice Sam.  Started them on the gap-tastic infinity scarf and they both picked it up so fast.  Those two are super smarties.  It took me forever to learn to knit as I had no one to teach me but the books I had on  hand.  All those diagrams and words just did not click for a while in my brain.  So much easier to have someone on hand to teach you, right?

My youngest daughter and grandson are living in our home again, but only temporary, they will be moving to Iowa soon to be with the hubby.  You can ready more about her over on her blog,  It makes my heart sing to see her writing too.  Maybe someday I will share my experience of teaching her to knit.  Here is a clue, she is left handed.

I will share pics soon of all my aforementioned projects, in case any of you are interested.  Otherewise, why don't you share with me who taught you how to knit or are you self taught too?