Ok, so I have been MIA a for awhile, sorry about that. The holidays were a bit busy this last year and now cold dark January is here upon us once more. Above is our yearly Christmas picture in the Rau household. We are missing the oldest daughter this year, she came over later in the day after some of the kids had to leave and go onto other parents house to spread their holiday cheer.
They all were very nice about wearing the hats that I knitted up for them, such lovely children that I have.
I did not have much me this holiday season get all the knitting done that I wanted. I did get each child a knitted miniature Christmas sweater ornament knitted to go on their special gifts. And they all got the hats as well. But that was it and it was struggle for me to get that little bit done. I think my knitting mojo is on the down low, which is weird, this is the best time of year to be knitting.
Oh well, I know it will come back and soon I hope. Now it is back to watching Netflix movies on the TV with the kids that are here, Valerie and her lovely beau Jon.
More later, I am sure, for now, stay inside and knit!