Saturday, August 29, 2009

Happy Place...

This is how I have been spending this Saturday for my weekending. Crafting is my happy place and I really need to be in a happy place this weekend.

So which one do you like better? Valerie and I are leaning towards the top one, but I still have to add more rows to make it big enough.
And this is my recent yarn purchase from treasuregoddess on etsy. Go and check out her shop you will not be disappointed.
I hope to be on the couch this evening planning what I am going to make with that yummy purple and green yarn.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Minature Christmas Sweater Ornaments

This is what I have been up to in the last week or so.

Got some free patterns for same from here.
Of course mine are not exactly like those, but I used those patterns to try my hand at these and put my own twist on them. I have to say though that I do not really like the way those patterns are because I like to knit in the round and hate the purl stitch. So I came up with my own pattern using my circular needles.

And this is the one, not perfect as the sock yarn did not come out quite right on the one sleeve, but I like it. The best part, no finishing except a few stitches under the sleeves, just like EZ does. Yeah!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

For you Valerie...

It was this little girls birthday the day we got back from our vacation. She is our youngest and just turned 20 now. She got the latest quilt I made after I took it to the mountains to get some shots of it out there. She is the kookiest, crazyiest and keeps her parents on their toes type of kid (in a good way most of the time). So heres to you Miss Valerie, Happy Birthday.
BTW Miss Valerie, I know that was you that left that pitiful what about me? comment on the last post and that is what this post is for. Now that your teenage years are over, maybe dad and I can get some peace??

Monday, August 10, 2009

Back from vacation in beautiful Colorado

Top of the world in Rocky Mountain National Park up on Trail Ridge road.
Gotta love those aspen trees there, too bad it was not fall yet though.
I think this one might be my new blog banner. On Mammouth Gulch, a mountain road in Rollinsville and me with my new knitted hat made especially for the trip.

My totally all scraps quilt I made for the trip as well. Even the batting I had to use scraps that I sewed together. I then gave it to my daughter Valerie on return from the trip.

Best of all is the mountain house we get to stay in. Brother in law owns this beauty on three acres above the town of Nederland Colorado. B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!!!