I did squeeze some craft time in when I could. Above is a baby quilt I am started from fat quarters. I know, I know, what happened to the quilt a long you ask? I am still working on it but got sidetracked after looking thur a quilt magazine. I just wanted to try this and see what would happen. Not perfect by any means as my oldest, the graphic designer, pointed out to me.
The quilting of it is done and I just have to get the binding on it. I challenged myself and tried some different things with this since it was a small project. I did diagonally quilt lines instead of in the ditch, and those lines are not perfect at all. I did not have a good guide when I was sewing them, but I still like it. It will work as a baby blanket even if it is not perfect. Now I just need to find a baby girl to give it to or keep it for my own grandbabies when they come along.
I am off now to finish up all this graduating business. Next week will be my time, we are going canoeing and camping at the river. WHO HOO!!