Friday, February 16, 2007

A few more finished objects....

Here is one of the pair of socks I am currently knitting for daughter Sirena. Finished it this morning while in the doctor's office with her. Knitting in public, GASP!! I am always a little uncomfortable KIP, but I actually finished the toe and grated while waiting. She was having a MRI done today, hopefully it is nothing serious, but she having some major headaches that are lasting for days. I wanted to go with her for moral support. Her husband could not go, had to work, and I was able to take the day off. I do not know about you, but when I had one done, it was fairly traumatic for me. That whole feeling like I am in a coffin feeling is really gruesome. She came out alright though and then we got to go and have a leisurely breakfast.

Here is the hat that I knit for hubby for Valentine's day. He likes it, but it came out too small. I even ripped it out when I first started and thought that going up just one needle size would be enough, but it was not. So, I will have to knit him up a new one. I got it from the we call them pirates pattern website over at
helloyarn. Go check it out. I modified it a bit, but like this just as well. I was running out of time and space.
It really did not take that long, but I just waited too long to get started on it. I am always unsure if I should get my sweetie something for Valentines day or not. Last year when I mentioned it to him that I felt this way, he said that it should just be the buy doing the giving. Which is a good thing he feels that way because I am sticking to my credit card diet.
It is a holiday weekend for me, we have Monday President's day off. I will be able to get lots of knitting done this weekend, maybe even get that second sock done. I also need to work on some newborn hats for my little friend that is working on her bronze award for girlscouts. She has a blog here that has the patterns on it, take a look and see if you want to lend a hand.
For now keep on knitting...

Saturday, February 10, 2007

A finished object

I finished the first of three baby surpise sweaters that I need to have done for March, April and May. One for each month. The one I finished though is the one for the baby girl that is due in May. Leave it to me to do everything backwards. I wanted to use the alpaca yarn that my sister in law gave me for Christmas though. Now I just need to find the buttons to add.

Here is a pic of the yarn to be used for the second sweater. I am hoping that it is colors that will for both a girl or a boy.

It is Saturday, which means I get to knit all day. We were supposed to have some nasty weather move in, but it has been taken off the radar so to speak. I really should go outside and take down our Christmas lights, but it is terribly cold out and the hubby is working a side job and I would really need his help. I know, why are my lights still up anyways? I feel like one of those stupid houses that I used to make fun of because they had their lights up forever.... I think we have good excuses though. Most of us in the house were sick most of January off and on, and it was extremely January weather here in Kansas City. Most unusual considering we usually get a few weekends in January where it is good enough weather to get out there and take the darn lights down. That did not happen this year.

Sirena might be over to knit, I have not heard from her yet, but it is only late morning, and she is young and likes to sleep in on the weekend. She truly has this knitting bug, yarn obession going on now. I am really happy that we are connecting more as a mother and daughter now. Since she is always so busy with work, college classes at night and being married now, it is really great that she wants to come over and hang out with her mom and knit. I hear that her hubby likes to play the video games alot so now knitting gives something to do in her free time when he is playing those games non stop. I myself have never really seen the fascination with the video games, but apparently alot of young men (and now even some that are near my age) are completely obessed with them.

For now keep on knitting!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Another Tuesday, another chance to knit at work

IF you read this blog at all (and I am not convinced that anyone does because I get hardly any comments) you know that Tuesdays is yarnoholic meeting day at work. YIPPEE!! Tuesdays make it easier to come into the office knowing that I can spend my lunch hour knitting with the girls.
Yesterday, I got my confirmation from Blue Moon that I could place my order for the Socks that Rock. I did not hesitate at all at the price. But hubby was looking over my shoulder at the same time and saw the price and said "WTF"?? I asked him if he thought that was too much and he said Hell yeah! So I stopped, and placed my order at a later time when he was not around. Now I just have to figure out what I will tell him, when the order arrives in the mail. No biggie though, it was my money and I was splurged on myself this time, or for others that may become recipients of the socks that I knit.
My daughter is now getting her friends and co workers to learn to knit. She actually taught a girlfriend of hers and they are both so enthused about the knitting now. Looks like this Saturday I may be leading a knitting class at my home. I told the daughter that I not charge anyone, but if she keeps getting more people interested and wanting to learn I may have to charge them. Could be a great business adventure though and I am really excited about the prospects of this adventure. I have for a long time thought that it would be great to open up my own yarn store, but have shied away from that dream for several reasons.
It would be so nice to make a living from something that we enjoy doing, but then I think it may not be something that you like once it becomes work. Although, I would be so willing to try if I hit the Powerball lottery!!! We can dream, and if we are going to dream might as well dream big, right?
Onto to other knitting news. I went to the LYS this past weekend and picked up some more skeins of Cascade 220 for my sweater. I was still not happy with the color choices that I had so far, and go more colors with the help of my daughter. I will be getting back onto the project soon then. I am also almost done with the Baby Surprise Sweater that I am making for a pregnant co-worker, hope to finish that one today. I then have two more of them to make for friends that are pregnant as well. Oh, and I picked up more sock yarn at the LYS, one for daughter and one for me (then joined the socks that rock, go figure?). Guess I will be up to my ankles in socks this year.
One other thing, one of my knitting co-workers daughter is working for her Bronze award in the girlscouts and has a blog about knitting/crocheting/sewing preemie hats to give away to the local childrens hospital. Please check it out at Project Preemie Hats and if interested.

For now keep on knitting.