Saturday, December 30, 2006

A disastorous evening

This is what one night of working on my current sweater yields. This is one of the sleeves and about 4 hours of work (I know I am a bit of a slow knitter, but it is all about relaxing when I knit). All was going well, and my goal was to finish the increases and then off to bed for the night. I was about finished when I realized, GASP!!!, I had forgotten to switch back to the larger needles when I was done with the ribbing on the cuff!!! I was so mad at myself for this little thing that will cause me to rip it all out.

Here is a close up of the back of the ribbed cuff. I was not real happy with how my increases were looking on the ribbed part, but I continued to push forward because I hate frogging!! So when I realized at the end of the evening the needle mishap, it was actually a good thing. Now I can redo the ribbing on the cuff and figure out how those increases should actual be done. All is well that ends well. This is the part where I turn a negative into a postive by saying that I learn something from my knitting. It is better to take one's time in starting back in on a project that was laid to the side for a extended period of time. Now I can also work out those little increases on the ribbed cuffs to make it come out better, or at least to my liking.

For now, keep on knitting!!

Friday, December 29, 2006

Happy New Year!!

Well, well, well, the New Years weekend is about to begin! Time to make our list for our New Years resolutions. I will start (now this does not mean that I will be very good at sticking to it), since I do like to make lists, either mentally in my head, or actually on paper.

1. Stop smoking - this one I have never actually attempted, but have been seriously thinking about it for several months now. So I think mentally I am just preparing myself for when I do take that first step in the actual doing part. I just know that I am so weak willed in this area and failure at most things makes me very disappointed in myself.
2. Blog more often - I am not even going to try and say that I will blog so many times a week like some other bloggers that I read, but I do want to make a better attempt at posting more often.
3. Exercise more - I have got to use that stupid gym membership that I pay for every month no matter what!!!
4. Give up pizza - now this one I have actually accomplished for about a month last year, so it is a doable goal.
5. Knit matching sweaters for my family in time for a Christmas picture next year - Since I know how easy and fast knitting a sweater the Elizabeth Zimmerman way is and I only have 6 family members in my immediate family circle, I also think that this is a doable goal. Or is this one too dorky for my family members to go along with??
6. Drink more green tea - I should not even say more, since I have not actually tried the green tea - but I do have some at home and just need to give it a try ( I am sorta of a picky eater/drinker).
7. Pay off more credit cards - I so need to cut up these suckers, but again, I am so weak. I usually do really good for several months when the new year comes, then I get bored or restless and just have to go!!

That is enough of a list for now, I am already overwhelmed..

I am glad that the holidays are about over, now I can get back to some serious knitting. As I stated in earlier posts, I did not stress myself out over the holidays and try to knit something for several people. I had only one person ask why I did not make them anything and that was my mom, so that does not count. I did complete some Mason Dixon dishcloths and gave them away to some co-workers and my daughter Sirena. Sirena so loved them and wants to know why she can not knit some like that. I still have her working on the knit stitch and she has to know the purl stitch before proceeding. Maybe her and I can get together now that the holidays are over so that we can continue with her lessons.

Last nite I picked up my second sweater that I had started back in October. I will post pics when I get home later today, but lets just say that you should never rush into picking up a project that has sat around for a while. All my knitting that I got done last night has to be frogged!!! I was so upset with myself for this waste of time, but alas, I did learn something from it, which I will tell you about later.

For now, Keep on Knitting..!!

Monday, December 18, 2006

I am still here..

Just been so busy with the Christmas season have not had time to make a post or to knit much either. IT is CRAZY!! The good part is I am almost done with all the shopping. I will be taking two kids out tonight to shop for their Dad and maybe a few last minute gifts for the final touches.
It may snow later this week here in Kansas City and I do not want to have to get out in that mess.

More good news this month, I have finally been able to teach my oldest daughter Sirena how to knit. She is the married child that is out on her own working full time and attending college part time. She actually expressed a interest when she was with me at the local craft store a few weeks back. After I got over my shock that she wanted me to teach her again how to knit (the first time did not go so well as she really did not care), I bought her some wooden needles and the Peaches and Creme yarn so that she could make a dishcloth. As soon as we got home I sat her down and taught her the knit stitch and she picked it up immediately. I then sent her on her way and told her to continue with the knit stitch and check back with me a week later. And low and behold, she was just about finished with the ball of yarn when she returned, holes and dropped stitches and all, but how proud she was of that little tattered piece of fabric that she created all by herself!! I am so excited that I now have a actual family member that can hang out and knit with me this winter. Oh the fun we have, can not wait for the winter to begin now!!

Well that is it for now, I wish all of you who may read this blog, even though I have not been good at posting any posts, A MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

For now, keep on knitting!!!